Universitat Rovira i Virgili


A Spin-Off is a new company formed by members of a research center, such as a university. The purpose is the transfer of knowledge with an ideal scope of application for the R&D sector, so thanks to this it offers researchers the possibility of bringing their projects into business practice.

Because of the research carried out in the Group, it has been possible to create four spin-offs that seek this transfer of knowledge towards the society that surrounds us. These derivative companies are:

At CitySens we work to bring nature closer to all the people who live in cities. Through design and technology, we propose products that are practical, inspiring and adapted to the needs of today's lifestyle. Some of the products sold can be intelligent and sustainable planters to create healthier spaces, vertical gardens, modular shelves for plants or smart wall pots.

Renalyse is developing a point-of-care device for the determination of creatinine and potassium in the blood with the aim of developing a technology platform for renal monitoring. This platform will connect patients and healthcare professionals in order to improve the well-being of people and the efficiency of the healthcare system.

Kamleon develops an easy, fast, affordable and highly scalable integrated urinalysis system that allows tracking multiple users simultaneously. Our first version integrates an interactive screen, user identification systems, integrated urinalysis cartridge, cleaning system and automatic non-contact calibration.

At EOXsense, we are creating a new generation of tools that can generate physiological data at the point of need, our sensors can be integrated into current systems to diagnose and monitor our health and well-being. Our patented single electrode technology is simple to use and requires minimal sample. It is also affordable and robust. Just add your sample or touch the sensor to your skin and you are good to go. Our revolutionary systems are easy to learn, so you can start testing right away.

What is technology transfer?

Technology transfer is the process of sharing and applying innovations, tools, methods and technological knowledge developed for use in industry, research or other areas. This transfer aims to facilitate the commercialization of new products, more efficient manufacturing processes and other technological advances to improve productivity and competitiveness in this area. In the last instance, a return to society is sought for the investments made in research.

Our Spin-Offs: