Universitat Rovira i Virgili

Society and Companies

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The dissemination of science, in our case in the field of analytical chemistry, represents an essential link between scientific advances in this field and the needs of both society and companies. Outreach efforts are primarily aimed at transferring the knowledge and innovations generated by analytical chemistry research to a wider audience, from the general public to business stakeholders. In society, this dissemination seeks to educate and inform about recent developments in this scientific field, highlighting its practical applications and relevance in matters of public health, food safety, environment and other relevant areas.

For businesses, disseminating our research provides an opportunity to connect science with practical needs and business goals. By presenting technological innovations, improved analytical methods and applied scientific solutions, our researchers seek to establish productive collaborations and dialogues with the business sector. This interaction can lead to the implementation of advanced technologies in production processes, improvement of product quality, and the efficient resolution of specific problems that companies may face.

Dissemination of research in analytical chemistry can also be a meeting point for technology transfer, facilitating the integration of scientific innovations into practical and commercial applications. Through seminars, workshops and specific events, researchers can directly share their knowledge with business professionals, stimulating the implementation of new analytical strategies and boosting the competitiveness and sustainability of organizations.

In summary, the dissemination of analytical chemistry research not only serves as a channel to disseminate knowledge to society, but also acts as a vital bridge between scientific research and the practical needs of business. This interconnection benefits not only scientific progress, but also business innovation and the improvement of the quality of life of society in general