Universitat Rovira i Virgili


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The Research Group has carried out extensive research in the field of analytical chemistry, mainly in food analysis, analytical sensors and chemometrics, with the aim of generating advanced and innovative knowledge in these areas that adds value to the development of the society that surrounds us. The most relevant results of this research have been disseminated in the form of publications in international scientific journals with a high impact index.

In this section, you will find the articles published by the group in recent years in journals and books of recognized scientific impact, which reflect their contribution to the field of analytical chemistry, food analysis and chemometrics. These publications are an example of the group's commitment to quality research and the advancement of science in these specialized areas and to the dissemination of acquired knowledge.

Articles published

  • Abstracts and citations of our articles can be found on research platforms such as Recolecta o Web of Science, or Web of Science, bibliographic databases such as Scopus or Sciencedirect and social scientist networking sites such as Orcid or Researchgate.