Universitat Rovira i Virgili

The Group's research

Digitization marks a new era in human development. Societies that can understand, explore, develop and adopt these tools from the start will ensure the well-being of their members.

As a university research group, our task is to explore possible futures, preparing society to be able to adopt and adapt to technological changes, in order to maintain and grow the level of socio-economic well-being. This means converging scientific research from different fields to develop platforms that allow us to face the challenges - and take advantage of the opportunities - that the digital society brings.

The creation of a group that enables the convergence of new chemical sensor technologies, fast and environmentally friendly instrumentation/analytical methods, mobile connectivity and algorithms for complex data analysis is an important step in this direction. Likewise, the application of these tools to the agri-food and healthcare fields is vital to maintaining the competitiveness of our environment. Following this basic idea, the research we develop can be explained as follows:

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