Universitat Rovira i Virgili


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Our research group is made up of Full Professors, Associate Professors and Predoctoral Research Staff from the Department of Analytical Chemistry and Organic Chemistry. Every year, students from the different master's degrees where we teach join our group to carry out their Master's Final Thesis. In addition, the group welcomes short-term visitors from other European universities. The research group is made up of the following permanent researchers:

Dr. Ricard Boqué Martí

                  Group Leader

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Dra. Laura Aceña Muñoz

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Dr. Francisco Andrade

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Dr. Pascal Blondeau

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Dra. Olga Busto Busto

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Dra. Pilar Callao Lasmarias

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Dr. Joan Ferré Baldrich

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Dr. Santiago Macho Aparicio

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Dra. Montserrat Mestres i Solé

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Dr. Jordi Riu Rusell

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Dr. F. Xavier Rius i Ferrús

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Dra. Itziar Ruisánchez Capelastegui

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Sr. Pedro Cabanillas Amboades

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Researchers in training

A very important part of the research group are our Researchers in Training, who carry out their Doctoral Thesis over a period of approximately three years.

Postdoctoral researchers

Postdoctoral researchers have already obtained their doctorate, and continue to deepen and research topics related to their theses

Our graduates