Universitat Rovira i Virgili

Ricard Boqué

Associate Professor

Graduated in Chemical Sciences from the University of Barcelona in 1991, and PhD in Chemistry from the University Rovira i Virgili (Tarragona) in 1997 (extraordinary doctoral award). In 2002, he obtained a position as full professor in the Department of Analytical Chemistry and Organic Chemistry of the URV, where since then he has been teaching analytical chemistry and chemometrics in different BSc and MSc degrees and in different centers of the URV.

His research focuses on the development and application of new multivariate calibration and classification methods, including the estimation of their uncertainty, mainly in the agri-food field. He has also contributed to the development and optimization of analytical methods using portable instrumental devices (mainly NIR devices) that can be used on-line or in situ. The current line of research is in the field of food authentication and Process Analytical Technologies (PAT). This research aims to define and establish quality specifications in food processes and products based on rapid instrumental measurements (based on spectroscopic techniques), which are intended to correlate with the chemical and sensory properties of these foods.

His research results in more than 120  scientific articles (h-index of 33 ), in numerous book chapters and dissemination articles, in more than 75 contributions to international conferences and in the direction of 10 doctoral theses. He has also taught more than 50 courses for companies and public administrations, in the field of quality in chemical analysis and multivariate data analysis applied to NIR measurements and process control. He is a member of the Spanish Society of Analytical Chemistry and the Catalan Society of Chemistry, and is currently editor of the Journal of Chemometrics.

ORCID ID: 0000-0001-7311-4824


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