Universitat Rovira i Virgili

The Group

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CHEMOSENS - Chemometrics and Sensorics for Analytical Solutions is the result of the union of the previous research groups Chemometrics, Qualimetrics and Nanosensors (QUIMIO) and Instrumental Sensometry (iSens).

It is a natural and coherent merger, given the various collaborations carried out in recent years, both in research and knowledge transfer.

The mission of the research group is to explore possible futures, preparing society to be able to adopt and adapt to technological changes, in order to maintain and grow the level of socio-economic well-being.

This means that scientific research from different fields must be brought together to develop platforms that allow us to face the challenges and take advantage of the opportunities provided by the digital society. To achieve this, our Research Group bases its research on the synergy that can be established between classical analytical instrumentation, fast and environmentally friendly analysis techniques, new chemical sensor technologies, mobile connectivity, the ease of sharing information through file hosting services (cloud) and algorithms for complex data analysis.

Therefore, the group is organised into two main cores: the "hardware" (instrumentation/sensors) and the "software" (chemometrics). As for the guiding thread of our research, it is to achieve and improve the quality control of agri-food processes and products, without forgetting other areas in which the group has traditionally worked, such as health or petrochemicals.

CHEMOSENS is firmly committed to carrying out this research in collaboration with the external agents involved, always with the aim of achieving scientific excellence.

Our Research Group is part of the Department of Analytical Chemistry and Organic Chemistry of the URV.

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The researchers in our research group also carry out teaching tasks in their areas of expertise, being attached to the following URV centers located on the Sescelades Campus: